General Page Creation Information

The Web Developer's Virtual Library- has put together a definitive Developer's Guide.

Netscape's Handbook- It's getting harder and harder to get into one of the most popular sites on the Web. This Handbook is for persons starting to explore other uses of the Web than surfing.

'Running a WWW Service' - has everything (too much?) about anything regarding HTML, terms, servers, etc. Good for speeding-up the learning curve on Publishing or, somewhat, Providing.

University of Texas - A quick guide (based for students) on how to 'Learn to Publish' including starting Unix, HTML & its translators, image maps, and forms information.

WWW Names and addresses - A guide to the difference between URI, URL, URN, etc. and how to properly reference an address in your pages. Refer below for a discussion on relative -vs- absolute -vs- I.P.# addressing.