What I have done here is dissected a sample .mreply.rc file that is just like the one that is inserted into your directory at creation time. Also refer to the mreply man2html page that is here. The sections of this file may look like fairly inocous plain text, but make sure you leave the sections as-is; don't rearrange them! They are very specific!! Also available is the original mreply FAQ page for our site with a full-blown layout of the Mreply author's personal configuration.

This also assumes you have an inkling of structured programming. You don't have to be able to code while standing on your head, but if you don't know the basics, then the branching that this configuration can do might throw you.

This is some explanation of what you can use to configure the .mreply.rc file, but not really how to use it. (Playful poke at the author, Tor Slettnes). Please read over it.

| People sending mails to your service should use the following syntax
| in the body of their message:
|    COMMAND [arguments] [TO|AS reply-address@host.domain]
| Built-in commands are:
| ======================
|    JOIN list           - Subscribe to `list'
|    num1 > num2                 - num1 is greater than num2
|    num1 <= num2                - num1 is smaller than or equal to num2
|    num1 >= num2                - num1 is greater than or equal to num2
| String comparisons are not case sensitive.
| .AND / .OR are evaluated left to right (actually top to down).
| .IF statements can be nested

Global Initialization section can be used, as it says to set some global variables. Most are suitable as is, but of course you would want to change the names of the lists.

Global initialization

    First, let's find out if this mail has been addressed to one of our
    .if to first-list
        .setenv LISTNAME First-List
    .elif to second-list
        .setenv LISTNAME Second-List
    .elif to third-list
        .setenv LISTNAME Third-List

    Set up a variable called MAILBOX to contain a 'search path' for
    storing our own mail.   This variable will be used in various
    forwarding declarations further down.
    .setenv MAILBOX  > /usr/spool/mail/ /usr/mail/ /var/mail/ ~/mbox

    Define some global variables.  The directories specified must exist.
    .setenv ARCHIVE    ~/archive/listmail-$downcase($LISTNAME)
    .setenv LISTFILE   $listfile($LISTNAME)

Who are we indeed?!? This sets the names and addressed for the rest of the session.

Who are we?
.if $LISTNAME exists
    .serviceAddress ${LISTNAME}-Request@YOURDOMAIN
    .ownerAddress   ${LISTNAME}-Owner@YOURDOMAIN
    .serviceAddress "YOURUSERNAME" 
    .ownerAddress   "YOURUSERNAME" 

.if to info
   .message Forwarded
   .goto autoresponder

.if to salez
   .message Forwarded
   .goto autoresponder2

In this section, you can begin telling Mreply what to do with the mail. Don't try it elsewhere; I beat myself up for several days trying to figure out why one I was working on was dying; turned out I had tried to route something in the previous section.

Mail filtering and forwarding

.if to owner-
.or to -owner
    The mail was sent to an 'owner-' alias, so forward to ourselves
    .forwardAll $MAILBOX
.elif to -request
    The mail was sent to a '-request' alias, so forward only regular
    text mail (Some people have no idea what a list server is..).
    All other mail is processed.
    .forward    $MAILBOX
    Also point to a response message (declared further down) that
    will be sent back to the mailer.
    .message Forwarded
        .goto Request-Forwarded

.elif $LISTNAME exists
    The mail was sent to one of the aliases above, but not -request,
    owner- or -owner.  Therefore, the mailing list itself.
    First, let's see if the mailer is subscribed.
    .if file $LISTFILE contains $ADDRESS
    .or file $LISTFILE contains ($FULLNAME)
        Yup, (s)he is.  The mail can be forwarded to the mass
        mailer script, which in turn will send it out to the list.
        But only forward regular text mail, since _some people_ have
        a tendency to send requests to the list itself. (Grmbl!)
        .forward | /usr/local/bin/msend -q -s $ARCHIVE $LISTFILE($LISTNAME)

        In this forwarded mail, let's remove some headers
        .purgeHeader Received:
        .purgeHeader Return-Path:
        .purgeHeader Date:

        And insert some others
        .insertHeader Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
        .insertHeader Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
        .insertHeader Mime-Version: 1.0

        Also point to a response message to the mailer, defined
        further down.
        .message Forwarded
            .goto ListMail-Accept


        The mailer was not subscribed to the list.  Return the
        message, and also send appropriate response.
        .forward   $MAILBOX

        .addHeader X-Comments: Rejected; Not in list
        .addHeader Cc: $OWNERADDRESS

        .message Forwarded
            .goto ListMail-Reject


    Who else could the mail possibly have been sent to? Ourselves?
    What a concept!
    .forwardAll $MAILBOX

Subscriber lists

The following modifiers are available:
   concealed  - Don't allow 'review' commands on this list.
   revealed   - Allow 'review' commands on this list. [Default]
   manual     - Only add mailers who ask for it via JOIN/SUBSCRIBE. [Default]
   automatic  - Add all mailers that send requests to your service.

.list First-List      ~/lists/first-list           concealed
.list Second-List     ~/lists/second-list          concealed
.list Third-List      ~/lists/third-list           revealed
.list Announcements   ~/lists/announcements        automatic concealed

Oh, haven't you been annoyed by those thousands of people who send mails
to _you_, asking to join the MReply list?  Well, forward these requests
to their appropriate place. :-)
.list MReply          ! mreply-request@YOURDOMAIN

Additional directories in which to look for matching listfiles.
The second one captures and forwards all unserved list request,
uncomment to enable.
.listdir              ~/lists                      concealed
.listdir              ! listserv@YOURDOMAIN

Available file items (packets)
.packet  item-1       ~/packets/file-one
.packet  item-2       @ /usr/local/bin/unzip -p ~/packets/

Oh, and all those people again, who ask you to send them your server
.packet mreply        ! mreply-request@YOURDOMAIN

Additional directories in which to look for matching filenames
.packetDir            ~/tmp
.packetDir            ~/archive

Directory in which to receive files.  (Uncomment to enable).
The first argument is the name of the directory; the second argument
is an ACCESS code that the mailer must specify to gain access.
; .receiveDir   ~/incoming     sekret

Mail headers for response messages.  
These have no effect on forwarded mails.
.header To: $FULLADDRESS
.header Errors-To: $ADDRESS, $OWNERADDRESS
.header Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
.header Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
.header Mime-Version: 1.0
LABELs for .GOTO and .GOSUB statements earlier
.label autoresponder
Subject: Auto-Responder reply
Yo $NAME this is coming from your .mreply.rc file in your home directory.
it is an auto-responder if you didn't know

.label autoresponder2
Subject: Another Autoresponder
Hello Here is your information you requested:

.label Request-Forwarded
Subject: Your mail was forwarded

Hi, $NAME.

You write:

Since this appears to be a regular mail rather than one containing
commands aimed at ${SERVICEADDRESS}, it has been forwarded
to my personal mailbox.  I will look at it next time I log in.

.label ListMail-Accept
Subject: Your mail to $LISTNAME has been received

Hi, $NAME.

Your mail to $LISTNAME has been received and redistributed to
the list.  It should appear within 1/2 hour or so.

This is an automatic reply; no response is neccessary.

.label ListMail-Reject
Subject: Your mail to $LISTNAME was stopped

Hi, $NAME.


Your mail to $LISTNAME was stopped, because neither your
address nor your real name was found in the list of subscribers.
Before sending mail to the list, you must send the following mail


If you think you are already a member of the list, you may have
sent the SUBSCRIBE command from a different hostname. You can
send a "REVIEW $LISTNAME" command to determine if this is the
case; if you have an obsolete address on the list you can update
it with the command "CHANGE oldaddress TO newaddress".
Feel free to contact $OWNERADDRESS for more help.

User-defined commands

.command INDEX
Subject: Index of files available

The following items are currently available via e-mail to

.gosub packetInfo

These items can be obtained with "SEND item" commands, in the
body of your message.

Response messages to mailer

.message Added
.message AutoAdded
Subject: Welcome!

Hi, $NAME.
You have now been added as subscriber to the list '$ARGUMENT'.

.gosub ListInfo-$ARGUMENT

To send mail to the list, use the address <${ARGUMENT}@YOURDOMAIN>.

.setenv N $trim(`cat $PATHNAME | wc -l`)
You are subscriber number $N, and your address is recorded as:


If this address is not correct, you may send the following command
to update it in all lists:

    CHANGE $ADDRESS TO newaddress@host.domain (Real Name)

You can unsubscribe from this list at any time by sending an
\`UNSUBSCRIBE $ARGUMENT' command.  If you send the request from
a different hostname, you will need to say:


To find out what lists you are subscribing to, use the \`WHICH'
command.  For a list of all available commands, give a \`HELP'


.message AlreadyAdded
Subject: Already in list

Hi, $NAME.

Your address was already recorded in the list \`$ARGUMENT'.
It has now been re-recorded as:


Maybe you meant to join another list? Available lists are:

.gosub ListInfo

If you are joining again because you are not receiving any mails from
the list, or for any other reason think it is strange that you should
already be there, please send a mail to $OWNERADDRESS.

.message Removed
Subject: Removal from $ARGUMENT

Hi, $NAME.

You have been removed from the '$ARGUMENT' list.
Thanks for staying with us; you are welcome back any time!

.message NotInList
Subject: Not found in $FILENAME

Hi, $NAME. 

Your \`$COMMAND $ARGUMENT' command has been received; however
your address was not found in the \`$ARGUMENT' list!

To find out what lists you are currently subscribing to, send
a \`WHICH' command to $SERVICEADDRESS.

Also note that if the sender address of your \`$COMMAND' message
is not the same as as the one recorded in the list, you will need
to say "LEAVE $ARGUMENT AS recorded-address@host.domain".

If you prefer, you can have me remove your name manually next time
I log in.  Please send mail to $OWNERADDRESS.

.message Review
Subject: Current subscribers of $FILENAME

Hi, $NAME.

These are the current subscribers of $FILENAME.
The total number of subscribers is `cat $PATHNAME | wc -l`.


.message ConcealedList
Subject: Mailing list \`$ARGUMENT' not open for review.

Hi, $NAME.

Your \`$COMMAND $ARGUMENT' request has been received by
$SERVICEADDRESS, however the ARGUMENT list is
not open for public review.

For further questions regarding this, please contact:

.message IllegalList
Subject: Illegal list specification

Hi, $NAME.

Your \`$COMMAND $ARGUMENT' request has been received by
$SERVICEADDRESS; however no lists are named \`$ARGUMENT'.

Available lists are:
.gosub ListInfo

Please try again.

.message Which
.message NotInAnyList
Subject: Your current list subscriptions

Hi, $NAME.

The following are your current list subscriptions.  If you
think one or more lists are missing, you may be recorded in
the list(s) with a different address.  You must then give
one of the following commands to change it:

    CHANGE oldaddress

.if $MESSAGE equals Which
You are currently subscribing to the following lists:
You are currently not subscribing to any lists at this server.


.message Changed
Subject: Your address has been changed

Hi, $NAME.

Your address has been updated from '$ARGUMENTS'
to '$FULLADDRESS' in the following lists:


.message NoChange
Subject: Your were not subscribed to any list

Hi, $NAME.

Your request for address change has not been served, because the old
address '$ARGUMENTS' could not be found in any lists.


.message SendPlain
.message SendEncoded
Subject: $FILENAME (Information)

Hi, $NAME.

The file you requested is now sent in $PARTS separate e-mail(s).
Note that some mail handlers will reject or truncate very large mails;
if you do not receive the complete file, you can have it sent again
in parts (or smaller parts, if you are already splitting it).  Use the


where \`splitsize' is the maximum number of kilobytes or bytes per mail.
The smaller number the safer transport, but also the more cumbersome
decoding.  A value below 50 should not be needed.

.if $MESSAGE EQUALS SendEncoded
   .goto Extract

.label Extract
The file is sent as a shell archive. Instructions for extraction
are given in the first part, "$FILENAME (Part 1/$PARTS)".

.if $FILENAME contains .tar.Z
  .goto Extract-tar-Z
.elif $FILENAME contains .tar.gz
  .or $FILENAME contains .taz
  .goto Extract-taz
.elif $FILENAME contains .Z
.and not $FILENAME contains .zip
  .goto Extract-Z
.elif $FILENAME contains .gz
  .goto Extract-gz


.label Extract-tar-Z
To unpack this file after extracting it, type:

    gtar zxvf $FILENAME

If you do not have 'gtar', you can use 'gzip -d' or 'uncompress'
followed by 'tar xvf'.

.label Extract-taz
To unpack this file after extracting it, type:

   gtar zxvf $FILENAME

If you do not have 'gtar', you can use 'gzip -d' followed by
'tar xvf'.

.label Extract-Z
To unpack this file after extracting it, type:

    gzip -d $FILENAME

If you do not have 'gzip', you can use 'uncompress'.

.label Extract-gz
To unpack this file after extracting it, type:

   gzip -d $FILENAME


.message IllegalPacket
Subject: Illegal packet specification

Hi, $NAME.

The following command has been received from you:

No packet exists by name \`$ARGUMENT'. Available packets are:
.gosub PacketInfo

Please try again.

.message ReceivePlain
Subject: File '$FILENAME' received

Hi, $NAME.

The file $FILENAME has been received and stored as:


Thanks for your contribution!

.message ReceiveEncoded
Subject: File $FILENAME successfully decoded

Hi, $NAME.

The file $FILENAME has been received and successfully uudecoded.
The file has now been stored as \`$PATHNAME'.


.message DecodeError
Subject: Error during decoding of \`$FILENAME'

Hi, $NAME.

The following error occured during decoding of your \`$FILENAME'
submission to $SERVICEADDRESS:


.exec /bin/rm -f $PATHNAME~
.if $RETURNSTATUS equals 0
.and not $ERRORMESSAGE exists
The truncated file has been removed.

.message NoAccess
Subject: Incorrect or missing ACCESS for file submission

Hi, $NAME.

You did not supply a legal ACCESS code to submit files to

To submit a file, please use the command:

    ACCESS code

followed by a "begin mode filename" statement for uuencoded
files or a "TEXT filename" statement for plaintext files.

.message Help
Subject: Your HELP request

Hi, $NAME.

Your HELP command has been received.
.goto Help

.message Unavailable
Subject: Service unavailable

Hi, $NAME.

You wrote:

This syntax is not currently available at this server.
.goto Help

.message SyntaxError
Subject: Illegal command

Hi, $NAME.

You specified an illegal command: \`$COMMAND'.
.goto Help

.message EmptyMail
Subject: Empty mail received

Hi, $NAME.

An empty mail was received from you.
.goto Help

.message ServerError
Subject: Error condition re: your '$COMMAND' request

This is regarding your following request to $SERVICEADDRESS:

The following error condition occured:


A proper response to your request is therefore not available at this
time.  To verify your transaction, please contact:

Sorry about the inconvenience.

.label Help
.gosub CommandInfo

.gosub Download-Info

.gosub Address-Info

.label CommandInfo

To make requests, please send an e-mail containing one or
more lines with the following syntax in the message body to

    COMMAND [arguments] [TO|AS reply-address@host.domain]

If [TO|AS reply-address@host.domain] is not specified, the reply
address is extracted from the header of your request message.

These are available commands:
    JOIN list        - Subscribe to \`list'
    SUBSCRIBE list   - Subscribe to \`list'
    LEAVE list       - Unsubscribe from \`list'
    UNSUBSCRIBE list - Unsubscribe from \`list'
    REVIEW list      - List subscribers of \`list' [Mailing list only].
    CHANGE address   - Update \`address' in all lists.
    WHICH            - Information on what lists you are subscribing to.
    INDEX            - List available packets.
    SEND packet [n]  - Request \`packet'; [n] is an optional split size
    SERVERINFO       - Some information about this autoreplyer
    HELP             - This text

\`list' can be one of:
.gosub ListInfo

\`packet' can be one of:
.gosub PacketInfo

Some examples:
    SEND item1
    SEND item2 60 TO user@host.domain (Real Name)
    SUBSCRIBE announcements AS user@host.domain (Real Name)
    CHANGE oldaddress@host.domain TO newaddress@host.domain (Real Name)


.label ListInfo
    ANNOUNCEMENTS    - Misc. announcments; <...>
    FIRST-LIST       - Your first list
    SECOND-LIST      - Your second list
    THIRD-LIST       - Your third list

.label PacketInfo
    ITEM-1                 - Some information about goes here.
    ITEM-2                 - More information ...

    listmail-first-list    - Mails sent to First-List
    listmail-second-list   - Mails sent to Second-List
    listmail-third-list    - Mails sent to Third-List
    listmail-announcements - Mails sent to the Announcements list

.label Download-Info
Downloading information
    This and that is available via anonymous FTP to YOURDOMAIN
    in the directory /pub/path.  Check the INDEX file for details.

    You can also send a message to 
    containing the words "INDEX /pub/path" in the body.  A
    "HELP" command will give further details on usage.

.label Address-Info
    First-List@YOURDOMAIN (First Mailing List)
        .gosub ListInfo-First-List

    Second-List@YOURDOMAIN (Second Mailing List)
        .gosub ListInfo-Second-List

    First-List@YOURDOMAIN (Third Mailing List)
        .gosub ListInfo-Third-List
    Your-List-Request@YOURDOMAIN (Your List Request Service)
        Autoreplyer service. Send e-mail containing one command per
        line in the message body, as described above.

    Owner-Your-List@YOURDOMAIN (Your List's Owner)
        Send any comments, complaints, questions, suggestions you
        have about this list and file service here.

    you@YOURDOMAIN (Your Name)
        Me. Same as above.


.label ListInfo-First-List
        This list is devoted to  [yak-yak-yak]
        Currently, popular topics include [yak-yak-yak]

.label Listinfo-Second-List
        This list is devoted to  [yak-yak-yak]
        Currently, popular topics include [yak-yak-yak]

.label Listinfo-Second-List
        This list is devoted to  [yak-yak-yak]
        Currently, popular topics include [yak-yak-yak]

.label ListInfo-Announcements
        You will now receive notification every time there is a new
        release available, as well as other relevant information.

*** Signatures:

.if to -request
For help, send an e-mail with HELP body to:    your-request@host.domain
Comments and questions are welcome, use: owner-your-request@host.domain
 is created and maintained by Your Name 
.elif to -list
To send mail to Your-list, use the address:  Your-list@host.domain
For usage, send e-mail with "HELP" body to Your-request@YOURDOMAIN
For help, please send a HELP command to: 